INSPEM INSPEM uses artificial intelligence technology to recognize faces and objects using static phones and cameras, built on blockchains that encourage full transparency. INSPEM LLC was established in 2015. The legal entity is registered on April 03, 2015 with DUNS Number: 102122-196939 INSPEM has apps that work for android & iOS with over 20,000 downloads. INSPEM has more than 10 000 registered users. The main website is and can be translated into 28 languages. When INSPEM service is introduced in 2015, it allows users to find people they meet randomly. INSPEM thinks this idea will be used rampantly by the majority of men, but for team shock, as shown by statistical data, 40% of the application's user population is fema. The women just take photos of people they lov...
Сообщения за апрель, 2018
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PayVX is starting their Official Bounty Program What is PayVX? PayVX is the fastest and safest payment technology in the world. The monetary escrow service is built on a secure bridge and creates a trusting relationship between the two parties for online business transactions. Since currency transactions are irreversible, dealing with untrusted parties creates a serious level of risk for both buyers and sellers. PayVX ensures this process is effective, ensuring the confidence and reliability to handle those activities. What is a PVX badge? PVX cards are ERC-20 compliant cards distributed on the Ethereum assault table. The PVX Token is not a Security Token, as it is stated in our White Paper that Token is intended to be used through the PayVX Platform, so it is not an investment and does not provide any image. Promising performance in the future. The distribution clearly indicates that the PayVX token will support the PayVX ecosystem as i...
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VOTEM - CHANGE THE WAY YOU VOTE Today, voting is the right of every citizen of the world and it is every citizen's voice. Before many years people died for this right. After internet people started understanding the power of voting and how it decides the future of our country. But in many parts of the world still, there are people who are fooled while voting and there is no transparent environment. Trust is the important thing which voter needs while voting. Votem is here with blockchain based online voting platform which allows citizens from any part of the world to vote without traveling anywhere. Votem has facilitated the voting for the voters and has built the trust by integrating the most advanced technology called blockchain. The platform wants to democratize democracy by conducting peer to peer networks. It is available in the form of a mobile app which uses the private blockchain framework. The platform also has inbuilt tokens called VAST tokens which allows users t...
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UNION - Blockchain Kolaborasi yang menyelamatkan ekosistem Fungsi Perhimpunan adalah salah satunya sebagai tempat bagi penyedia produk keuangan, dengan kekuatan komitmen kepercayaan berdasarkan modal sosial. Salah satu kelebihannya adalah mereka akan menggunakan teknologi blockchain Ethereum untuk menyediakan kontrak yang cerdas dan otonom yang akan memfasilitasi pemrosesan pinjaman, dan penghematan tanpa perantara. Mereka telah menyediakan platform bagi pengguna untuk membangun kepercayaan dan modal sosial dengan Pool, produk pertama kami, kemudian mengukur modal sosial menggunakan produk pinjaman kedua kami, dan akhirnya menggunakan modal sosial untuk meminjam uang dan bagian dari ini bisa menjadi Pool of the Union / ROSCA dan Bill Discounting, kunjungi situsweb Kami : informasi lebih lanjut. Tentang visi Union Vision Union adalah untuk memanfaatkan kepercayaan, komitmen, dan modal sosial untuk menciptakan ekosistem keuangan yang demokratis ...
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GENESIS — Penggabungan teknologi blockchain dan investasi Real Estate GENESIS adalah platform operasional multi fungsi dan pendanaan real estate internasional yang di buat dengan teknologi blockchain. Genesis akan memberikan solusi inovatif dan mengkombinasikan investasi metode klasik pada investasi real estate dengan kemungkinan sangat progresif dengan pencapaian ekonomi secara modern. Beberapa kelebihan dari genesis adalah: kesejahteraan dan keamanan dari investasi, mengurangi resiko dan likuiditas yang tinggi, Token yang di jamin oleh aset yang nyata. Konsep dari Genesis ini adalah menyediakan tokenisasi proyek internal dari semua real estate yang di miliki oleh perusahaan. Satu GES token akan mewakili nilai dari semua real estate, yang di miliki oleh platform Genesis yang di sajikan dalam bentuk mata uang crypto. Seperti yang telah di katakan di atas, salah satu kelebihan dari Genesis adalah token yang di jamin oleh aset nyata. Genesis adalah proyek perta...